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Break down the silos in healthcare

GP widget breaks down the silos in primary care by enabling cross-organisational collaboration. Collaborate with other practices, organisations, or PCNs to enhance resource sharing and patient care.

Guides screenshot

Built for sharing

Every guide, resource and audit you create can be shared across your organisation and others.


Cross-organisational guides and policies

Simplify the sharing of your essential guides and policies with all your staff. Your organization gains the ability to manage resource access, ensuring that the right individuals have the necessary permissions to update and edit these crucial documents.

Share guidesEmpower your reception staff with the right resources for effective triage and patient navigation.
Manage permissionsSecurely manage permissions for your staff, so the right individuals can make necessary changes.
Share responsesConsistently deliver responses to patients accessing your practice or organization, ensuring a uniform and professional approach.
Share flowsDevelop and share patient flow diagrams seamlessly across your guides and staff, enhancing the coordination and efficiency of patient care.

Social Prescriptions

Collaborate with your primary network

Collaborating with other organisations, such as those within a Primary Care Network is easy. Users can be members of multiple organisations, granting them access to a broader spectrum of resources and knowledge.

Social Prescriptions


Create audits at your practice, share insights with another

Run audits within your organisation or extend them across multiple organisations using templates. This feature streamlines result comparisons and facilitates the creation of comprehensive reports, leveraging fresh insights for informed decision-making.


See how to integrate GPWidget into your practice

If you would like to add your organisation to GP Widget, then please contact us. If your organisation has added you, then please sign up and accept the invitation when prompted.