Get Started

If you would like to add your organisation to GP Widget, then please contact us. If your organisation has added you, then please sign up and accept the invitation when prompted.

Build audits for your practice

Craft custom audits that suit your unique needs, or utilize our pre-designed templates to conduct comprehensive audits with automatic report generation.

Share Audits

Build audits at your practice and share with a simple link

You can create a set of easy to collection responses, and share this with your team. The share link required no login, and is unique to your audit.

Triage Information
Fast Form BuildingOur forms are entirely customisable, allowing you to gather the precise information required for each audit.
Triage Information
Share a simple linkShare with as many of your team as required using the unique sharable link. No log in required.
Triage Information
Capture InsightsAll results are automatically collected and generated in to insights.
Share AuditsShare Audits

Capture Audit Insights

Analyse Audits to streamline your practice

Understand the breakdown of responses for each question with clear visualisations through graphs and pie charts.

Capture Audit InsightsCapture Audit Insights

Patient flows

See patient journeys at your practice

Gain invaluable insights into patient flows at your practice using interactive Sankey flow charts. You can break down and filter results to uncover deeper insights.

Patient flowsPatient flows

Turn insights into reports

Should you wish to share specific insights as part of a report, you can effortlessly generate reports with our report builder.

GP Widget


Capture graphs from existing audits or create one from scratch

Easily capture charts or result breakdowns of interest with a single click.



Build custom reports to share across organisations

Build custom reports to share across your organisation or even beyond.


Want to give Audits a try?

If you would like to add your organisation to GP Widget, then please contact us. If your organisation has added you, then please sign up and accept the invitation when prompted.


Discover how GPWidget enhances cross-organisational audit and insight sharing.

GPwidget breaks down the silos in primary care by enabling cross-organisational collaboration. Collaborate with other practices, organisations, or primary care networks to enhance resource sharing and patient care.


You are part of the following organisations

St Leonards Practice
Devon Social Prescribing
Exeter City PCN