
Create and manage guidance for your primary care team

Tailor to fit your clinic's unique protocols and preferences. It's adaptable to various healthcare settings and can be fine-tuned to suit your specific patient population.

GP Widget

Triage Guides

Build interactive triage guides to support your triage team across your organisation

Triage Guides

Triage Information

Efficient patient triage stands at the heart of a thriving primary care practice. It not only enhances patient well-being but also streamlines resource utilisation, cuts down healthcare expenses, and guarantees a more seamless workflow.

Triage Information
Triage levels -Assign a default urgency level to each triage guide, facilitating accurate appointment scheduling by your staff. This feature is customisable to suit the unique needs of your practice.
Triage Information
Summary Information -Equip your reception and care navigators with valuable information that aids their understanding of patient presentations and enhances the efficiency of the triage process.
Triage Information
Escalation review criteria -Guarantee that concerning aspects are readily brought to attention with clearly highlighted escalation criteria.
Triage GuidesTriage Guides


Direct your team to the right response

We understand that patient management isn't one-size-fits-all. That's why we've designed Flows—easy-to-follow flow charts that empower your team to navigate efficiently and safely.



Rapidly respond to patient requests

Our platform allows you to respond rapidly to patient needs by integrating responses into your Flows:

Message Responses.Send patient messages that guide them to the support or information they require.
Information Responses.Provide your staff with detailed information, from blood test requests to policy documents.
Logging Responses.Keep a record of actions taken by care navigators for improved access and capacity management.

Want to give Triage Guides a try?

If you would like to add your organisation to GP widget, then please contact us. If your organisation has added you, then please sign up and accept the invitation when prompted.

More than just triaging

Build a wide range of guidelines to support your staff in your organisation

Contact Guides

Contact Guides

Keep all contact information up-to-date and accessible across your organisation.

Contact GuidesContact Guides

Policy Guides

Policy Guides

Include policy documents, outlining in detail organisational policy in an easy to read format.

Policy GuidesPolicy Guides

Global Search

Search Guides by keyword across organisations

Search for guides using keywords across your organisations, ensuring that the right information is available when you need it.

Global SearchGlobal Search


Discover how GPWidget enhances cross-organisational guide sharing.

Enhance Cross Organisation Collaboration: Improve communication among your healthcare teams. Our tool fosters better coordination, helping you allocate resources effectively and ensure timely care delivery.


You are part of the following organisations

St Leonards Practice
Devon Social Prescribing
Exeter City PCN